a Barcelona como referente en medicina de la excelencia.
Quienes forman actualmente BIMA
Antonio M de Lacy (general digestive surgery.Minimal invasive surgery), Josep Brugada (cardiology), Josep Tabernero (digestive oncology), Borja Corcóstegui (ophtalmology), Laureano Molins (thorathic surgery), Alvar Agustí (respiratory medicine), Rafael Esteban (hepatology), Jorge Planas (plastic surgery), Ramón Cugat (orthopaedic surgery and traumatology), Josep M Gatell (infectious diseases, HIV/AIDS, Josep M Campistol (nephrology and renal transplant), Lluís Donoso (radiology), Joan Rodés (hepathology , emeritus), Josep Piqué (gastroenterology), Padro Alonso (epidemiology, international health), Julià Panés (gastroenterology, inflamatory Bowel Disease), Antonio Coca (hipertension), Vicente Arroyo (research), Padreo Barri (Ginecologyand reproductive medicine), Raymond Miralbell (radiation oncology), Vicente Riambau (vascular surgery and angiology), Álvaro Urbano (hematology), Ramón Brugada (genetics), Josep M Llovet (liver oncology), Jaume Mora (Pediatric oncology, hematology), Enriqueta Felip (Thoracic oncology), José Luis Pomar (cardiac surgery), Eduard Gratacós (maternal-fetal medicine), Ventura Clotet (infectious diseases. AIDS), Pedro Clarós (otorhinolaryngology), Isabel Rubio (oncology breast surgery)
“El 50% de los socios de BIMA no han podido estar presentes sencillamente porque están de viaje de trabajo dando conferencias fuera de España; esta circunstancia resulta muy significativa y nos ofrece una idea del nivel de calidad de todos nuestros médicos”, comentó el Dr. Antonio de Lacy, presidente de BIMA.
Criterios de selección
La directora continuó remarcando que los criterios de selección de los médicos que forman parte de BIMA son muy estrictos, se basan en la excelencia del desarrollo de su profesión y en su prestigio académico y científico. Este prestigio se mide de forma muy estricta a través de un servicio externo de analistas independientes (médicos extranjeros de reconocido prestigio) que estudia los impactos en revistas indexadas de gran prestigio científico. Paralelamente se miden también las referencias de terceros (doctores) en las publicaciones. Todo esto, junto con un modelo basado en el conocimiento, garantiza la excelencia de nuestros servicios.
Speach del alcalde de Barcelona
A continuación pudimos ver el video de presentación de BIMA, que me he permitido embedar aquí para que podáis conocerlo:
BIMA en la prensa
la presentación tuvo una gran difusión mediática, os dejo algunos links de prensa:
la razón
Current BIMA members
Antonio M de Lacy (general digestive surgery.Minimal invasive surgery), Josep Brugada (cardiology), Josep Tabernero (digestive oncology), Borja Corcóstegui (ophtalmology), Laureano Molins (thorathic surgery), Alvar Agustí (respiratory medicine), Rafael Esteban (hepatology), Jorge Planas (plastic surgery), Ramón Cugat (orthopaedic surgery and traumatology), Josep M Gatell (infectious diseases, HIV/AIDS), Josep M Campistol (nephrology and renal transplant), Lluís Donoso (radiology), Joan Rodés (hepathology , emeritus), Josep Piqué (gastroenterology), Padro Alonso (epidemiology, international health), Julià Panés (gastroenterology, inflamatory Bowel Disease), Antonio Coca (hipertension), Vicente Arroyo (research), Padreo Barri (Ginecology and reproductive medicine), Raymond Miralbell (radiation oncology), Vicente Riambau (vascular surgery and angiology), Álvaro Urbano (hematology), Ramón Brugada (genetics), Josep M Llovet (liver oncology), Jaume Mora (Pediatric oncology, hematology), Enriqueta Felip (Thoracic oncology), José Luis Pomar (cardiac surgery), Eduard Gratacós (maternal-fetal medicine), Ventura Clotet (infectious diseases. AIDS), Pedro Clarós (otorhinolaryngology), Isabel Rubio (oncology breast surgery)
“50% of BIMA members we unable to attend this meeting, simply because they are on a business trip lecturing outside of Spain; a meaningful fact of the quality of BIMA members”, said Dr. Antonio de Lacy, president of BIMA.
Medical care, education and research are the three pillars of our activity to improve Barcelona´s image in the healthcare world map.
Criteria for choosing BIMA’s members
The director also emphasized the strict criteria for choosing BIMA´s members, based on the excellence of their careers and on their academic and scientific prestige. The prestige is valued by external analysts measuring the impact of their articles in international well-known magazines. At the same time references from other doctors in the above mentioned magazines are also measured. All this, along with a model based on knowledge, guarantees the excellence of our services.
Major of Barcelona’s Speech
Afterwards, Mr. Xavier Trias paised the BIMA proposal, highlighting that Barcelona’s main asset is its people. “We had and currently have several individual references, now we try to do a collective task for the medical sector to move forward. We have the cheapest health system of Europe and we offer great quality services, with exceptional public and privet facilities, adequate to current needs”.
Please find below a video of the BIMA presentation, which I have included so you can watch it:
BIMA on the media
The presentation had a great diffusion, please find below some press links:
la razón