Genomic Medicine Unit


Clínica Planas reinforces its care services with the opening of the new Genomic Medicine Unit in accordance with Veritas Intercontinental, world leader in sequencing and interpreting the whole genome.

This pioneering initiative opens the door of personalized medicine to all patients of Clinica Planas, in terms of diagnosis and treatment as well as in prevention.

Tests are carried out from a saliva sample.

The service includes Genetic Counselling by an expert doctor for the interpretation and preventive treatment plan.

A service for the entire lifetime that allows future updating based on re-classified or incorporated variants.


Know your risk of inherited diseases of genetic origin.

Know how your genetics can influence your response to specific medication.


Find out if you are carrying a genetic disease that you can pass on to your children.

Genetic Traits and Ancestry
Discover aspects related to nutrition, sports, longevity and information about your ancestors.


Know your risk of hereditary diseases, your response to certain medication, diseases you might pass on to your children or information about your ancestors.

What does my Genome Standard include?

•    2 consultations with an Expert Physician. One prior to the genetic test, in which you will be explained the objective and extend of the test; and one after the test, in which you will review the results obtained and their scope.
•    Information on more than 200 diseases of genetic origin based on the analysis of 83 genes. They are selected for their action and under the ACMG 59 standard. (American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics)
•    Information on 15 multifactorial diseases included in the “Risks” section of the report.
•    Information about more than 40 diseases of which you can be a carrier, that is, that you can pass onto your children.
•    Information about how your body reacts to more than 150 drugs based on your genetics.
•    Information on more than 50 genetic traits related to diet, sports, longevity, nutrition, behaviour, cardiovascular health, metabolism and immune system.
•    Encryption, anonymity and highly-secure data storage of your genetic information.
•    Information about your ancestors.

Results Report

•    Clinical results: severe pathologies that require medical intervention.
•    Carrier results: pathologies that you can pass onto your children.
•    Risk results: multifactorial diseases, that is, complex pathologies that depend on genes and environment.
•    Pharmacogenomics: your reaction, based on your genetics, to more than 300 drugs.
•    Genetic traits: individual characteristics influenced by genes and environment.
•    Ancestry: information about the origin of your ancestors.

My Genome Premium

Sequencing your genome gives you the opportunity to be proactive in your health care.

This test is based on the sequencing and interpretation of the Complete Genome in healthy individuals. It allows knowing the risk of more than 650 genetic-based diseases, more than 50 common diseases with genetic influence, pharmacogenetics and individual characteristics. It goes together with the interpretation of genetic advice and the guidelines of prevention and/or medical treatment. This genetic test, which is the key in preventive medicine, will allow you to adapt your medical care and life habits according to your personal genetics.

What does my Genome Premium include?

•    2 consultations with an Expert Physician. One prior to the genetic test, in which you will be explained the objective and extend of the test; and one after the test, in which you will review the results obtained and their scope.
•    Information on more than 650 diseases of genetic origin based on the analysis of 566 genes. They are selected for their action and under the ACMG 59 standard. (American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics).
•    A more thorough analysis of cardiovascular disease and cancer risk.
•    Information on 15 multifactorial diseases included in the “Risks” section of the report.
•    Information about more than 225 diseases of which you can be a carrier, that is, that you can pass onto your children.
•    Information about how your body reacts to more than 300 drugs based on your genetics.
•    Information on more than 50 genetic traits related to diet, sports, longevity, nutrition, behaviour, cardiovascular health, metabolism and immune system.
•    Encryption, anonymity and highly-secure data storage of your genetic information.
•    Information about your ancestors.

Results Report

•    Clinical results: severe pathologies that require medical intervention.
•    Carrier results: pathologies that you can pass onto your children.
•    Risk results: multifactorial diseases, that is, complex pathologies that depend on genes and environment.
•    Pharmacogenomics: your reaction, based on your genetics, to more than 300 drugs.
•    Genetic traits: individual characteristics influenced by genes and environment.
•    Ancestry: information about the origin of your ancestors.


DNA Test to Diagnose Diseases

Genetic tests for patients with symptoms or suspicion of hereditary genetic disease.

Mygenome with Diagnostic Interpretation is a genetic test that uses the whole genome sequencing (WGS) and its diagnostic interpretation to help to identify diseases of suspected genetic origin. Additionally, the test includes information about drug response (Pharmacogenomics); and for adults, the full myGenome report as well.

This diagnostic genetic testing includes:

•    2 consultations with a Genetic Advisor. One prior to the genetic test, where the doctor will deeply examine your medical history and assess if the test is suitable for you; and one after the test, in which he will explain the results obtained, its scope and the actions to be taken.
•    Information on more the specific genetic disease (including the 59 genes recommended by the ACMG - American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics.
•    Review of your results by an expert clinical team.
•    Diagnostic interpretation based on clinical signs and symptoms.
•    Information about more than 225 diseases of which you can be a carrier, that is, that you can pass onto your children.
•    Information about how your body reacts to more than 300 drugs based on your genetics.
•    Information on more than 50 genetic traits related to diet and nutrition, longevity, sports, behaviour, cardiovascular health, metabolism and immune system.
•    Encryption, anonymity and highly-secure data storage of your genetic information.
•    Information about your ancestors.

To who is it addressed?

MyGenome with Diagnostic Interpretation is indicated for patients with a complex medical history or symptoms that suggest a genetic disease, even when other genetic tests have been negative. Through the result, patients may know variants that explain the symptoms of their disease.

The results may have consequences for treatment decisions or prognosis, for medical management options, as well as to affect other family members. This test is available for adults (>18 years) and for minors with parental consent.

Complete study

It is highly recommended that biological samples from parents, if available, should be analyzed since it may be helpful in interpreting the patient’s genomic data. Please note that parental sample analysis is included in the price, but a report will not be issued for parents.


DNA Test for Disease Diagnostic

It is the whole exome sequencing for patients with symptoms that suggest they may have a genetic disease or have a complex clinical history, and want to know the underlying cause that may exists.

MyExome with Diagnostic Interpretation is a genetic test that uses the sequencing of the whole exome (WES) and its diagnostic interpretation to help to identify diseases with suspected genetic origin.

To who is it addressed?

MyExome with Diagnostic Interpretation is for patients with a complex medical history or symptoms that suggest a genetic disease, even when other genetic tests had a negative result. Through the result, patients may know variants that explain the symptoms of their disease. The results may have consequences for treatment decisions or prognosis, for medical management options, as well as to affect other family members. This test is available for adults (>18 years) and for minors with parental consent.

Complete study

It is highly recommended that biological samples from the parents be analysed if available, as they may be helpful in interpreting the patient’s genomic data.

It is highly recommended that biological samples from parents, if available, should be analyzed since it may be helpful in interpreting the patient’s genomic data.


Mycancerriskdna is a genetic test based on the sequencing of the whole exome or WES (Whole Exome Sequencing) and subsequent analysis of 40 genes related to hereditary cancer.

This genetic test helps you to know the risk of developing inherited cancer and allows the specialist to a specific follow up of the patient, as well as to discuss preventive options with him/her.

Gene Test

In the genetic test, myCancerRiskDNA, 40 genes related to cancer and hereditary cancer syndromes are analyzed. The genes are as follows: APC; BRIP1; HOXB13; NBN ; PTCH1; ATM; CDH1; MITF; NF1; PTEN; AXIN2; CDK4; MLH1; NTHL1; RAD51C; BAP1; CDKN2A; MLH3; PALB2; RAD51D; BARD1; CHEK2; MSH2; PMS2; SMAD4; BMPR1A; EPCAM; MSH3; POLD1; STK11; BRCA1; FLCN; MSH6; POLE; SUFU; BRCA2; GREM1; MUTYH; POT1 and TP53.

To who is it addressed?

• People with a family history of cancer suspected of hereditary nature, or patients with family members who have developed cancer at an early age (<50 years).
• People with various types of tumours.
• People with cancer, in order to know their possible hereditary character.


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La siguiente tabla recoge la clasificación y descripción de las cookies utilizadas en la presente página web para que puedas identificarlas en tu navegador:

Nombre Titular Datos recabados Finalidad Duración
PHPSESSID Cookie propia
(Clínica Planas)
Sesiones y preferencias del visitante Necesaria Al finalizar la sesión con el navegador
Intenta calcular el ancho de banda del usuario en páginas con vídeos de YouTube integrados. Técnica 179 días
PREF De terceros
Es una cookie que almacena las preferencias de visualización y de búsqueda de los videos de youtube: idioma preferido, filtro safe-search, etc. Técnica 2 años
__cf_bm De terceros
Análisis de tráfico por motivos de seguridad Técnica 1 día
TS01057d28 De terceros
Realización del pago Técnica TS01057d28
f5avr1901846005aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa_cspm_ De terceros
Realización del pago Técnica Al finalizar la sesión con el navegador
f5_cspm De terceros
Realización del pago Técnica Al finalizar la sesión con el navegador
admincookies Cookie propia
(Clínica Planas)
Gestionar permisos de cookies. Técnica 1 año
_hjFirstSeen De terceros
Esta cookie se utiliza para determinar si el visitante ha visitado el sitio web con anterioridad o si se trata de un nuevo visitante. Analítica 1 día
_hjid De terceros
Establece un identificador para la sesión. Esto permite a la web obtener datos del comportamiento del visitante con propósitos estadísticos. Analítica 1 año
_hjIncludedInPageviewSample De terceros
Determina si la navegación del usuario debería registrarse en un cierto lugar estadístico. Analítica 1 día
1P_JAR De terceros
Utilizada por Google para almacenar información sobre cómo utiliza usted el sitio web , la publcidad y las búsqeudas en Google para ofrecerle una publicidad más personalizada y relevante. Publicitaria 1 mes
CONSENT De terceros
Utilizada por Google para almacenar las preferencias de publicidad de la red de Google para su uso en la publicidad dirigida. Publicitaria 2 años
AEC De terceros
Comprueba que las solicitudes que se hacen durante una sesión de navegación proceden del usuario y no de otros sitios Analítica 6 mes
_hjIncludedInSessionSample De terceros
Registra datos del comportamiento del visitante en la web Analítica 1 día
_hjSessionUser De terceros
Registra datos del comportamiento del visitante en la web Analítica 1 año
_ga, _ga_[ID], _gid, _gat_UA-[ID] & _gat_gtag_UA_[ID] Cookie propia
Sesiones de los visitantes. _ga, _ga_[ID] y _gid: Se usan para distinguir a los usuarios. _gat_UA-[ID] & _gat_gtag_UA_[ID]: Se usa para limitar el porcentaje de solicitudes y analizar el tráfico. Analítica 2 años - _ga & _ga_[ID]: 2 años. _gid: 1 día. _gat_UA-[ID] & _gat_gtag_UA_[ID]: 1 minuto.
Para más información:
Política de Cookies de Google
player De terceros
Funcionamiento y gestión de los vídeos de vimeo. Analítica 1 años
vuid De terceros
Funcionamiento y gestión de los vídeos de vimeo. Analítica 2 años
_fbp Cookie propia
Visitas a webs para remarketing Publicitaria 90 días
YSC De terceros
Registra una identificación única para mantener estadísticas de qué vídeos de YouTube ha visto el usuario. Publicitaria Al finalizar la sesión con el navegador
GPS De terceros
Registra una identificación única en dispositivos móviles para permitir el seguimiento según la ubicación geográfica por GPS. Publicitaria 1 día
IDE De terceros
Preferencias, enlaces, conversiones e interacciones con anuncios publicitarios. Publicitaria 1 año
test_cookie De terceros
Cookie de prueba utilizada por Google DoubleClick para comprobar que se pueden establecer cookies de publicidad. Publicitaria 1 minuto
TDID De terceros
(The Trade Desk)
Esta cookie lleva información sobre la forma en que el usuario final utiliza el sitio web y cualquier publicidad que el usuario final pueda haber visto antes de visitar dicho sitio web. Publicitaria 1 año
_gcl_au Cookie propia
Visitas a webs para remarketing Publicitaria 3 meses

Las cookies necesarias ayudan a hacer una página web utilizable activando funciones básicas como la navegación en la página y el acceso a áreas seguras de la página web. La página web no puede funcionar adecuadamente sin estas cookies.

Las cookies técnicas son aquellas facilitan la navegación del usuario y la utilización de las diferentes opciones o servicios que ofrece la web como identificar la sesión, permitir el acceso a determinadas áreas, facilitar pedidos, compras, cumplimentación de formularios, inscripciones, seguridad, facilitar funcionalidades (videos, redes sociales...).

Las cookies de análisis son las utilizadas para llevar a cabo el análisis anónimo del comportamiento de los usuarios de la web y que permiten medir la actividad del usuario y elaborar perfiles de navegación con el fin objetivo de mejorar los sitios web.

Las cookies publicitarias permiten la gestión de los espacios publicitarios de la web. Además, estas cookies pueden ser de publicidad personalizada y permitir así la gestión de los espacios publicitarios de la web en base al comportamiento y hábitos de navegación de usuario, de donde se obtiene su perfil y permiten personalizar la publicidad que se muestra en el navegador del usuario u otros perfiles y redes sociales del usuario.