Breast augmentation with own fat


When we grow old, the fat inside our skin (subcutaneous tissue) slowly disappears, especially on face and hands.

The signs that we can see in the face of an old person, such as sunken eyes, lack of volume and definition on chin and cheeks, are caused by the lack of volume. The fat’s disappearance triggered the sagging of all the tissues.

In order to solve these aesthetical problems caused by the lack of body volume (poor developed breast, cheeks, chin, gluteus) we use the lipostructuring or fat filling technique.

Lipostructuring is the technique that enables us to provide volume in different areas of the body using the patient’s own fat as a filling material.

The use of the patient’s own fat as a filling material to restore and add volume or remodel avoids any possible rejection or incompatibility, since it is an autologous material. We can define the autologous fat as the best filling material and the less harmful for the body.

The fat implantation technique is very important so as to guarantee that this fat survives in the new area and keep the achieved volume, preventing the fat from being re absorbed in the long term.

Surgery duration

3 hours


4 hours


3 days




1 month




Sedation and local anaesthesia of the donor area (or general anaesthesia, depending of the needed fat and the patient) is necessary to obtain the fat tissue.

The most frequent donor areas are abdomen, inner tights and knees, saddle bags and double chin.

Once the treated area has been disinfected, we carefully obtain the fat tissue, aspirating with a small cannula linked with a special syringe (luer-lock). The pressure must be enough to aspirate, not damaging the fat cells.

Afterwards, the fat tissue is centrifuged to separate it in three layers: oil (fat acids), pure fat (the one that we will use) and anaesthetic fluids and blood on the deepest level. We separate the pure fat from the remaining materials. This system allows us to obtain from 3 to 7 cc of pure fat, with good chances to survive, out of 10 cc of aspirated material.

The infiltration or grafts of fat tissue are placed in the intramuscular and subcutaneous area via small incisions, close to the treated area, so as that the fat can not be absorbed and we can guarantee long lasting results. A micro-cannula is used to place the small implants, creating fat filaments of around 1mm of diameter. A minimum distance of 2 mm between the implants is necessary in order to guarantee its survival.

Once the implants are finished, we do immobilise the grafts for 7 or 10 days, with a paper adhesive plaster or with a pressotherapy bandage.

On most occasions, one session of treatment is enough, although some patients require more than one to achieve the wished results, especially when big amounts of fat tissue are needed.


The operation lasts one or two hours and the patient should stay at the clinic for 24 hours.


The operation lasts around two hours and requires general anaesthesia.


As with all surgical treatments, a medical check up is required beforehand to detect any possible anomalies that may contraindicate the treatment.  

This technique requires little fat volume to achieve optimum results. Among other factors, the volume, projection, physical constitution and skin quality are analysed.



In case of breast augmentation, we should outline the following: 

  • The injection of pure fat in the breast does not modify at all the risk of breast cancer, according to the lately available data. Some benign calcifications may appear, but an expert radiologist and a good ultrasonic medical device are easily distinguished from suspicious calcifications, either by its shape or location.  
  • Oily cysts can appear, but these are benign, sometimes they are palpable or may require a puncture to be evaluated.  

Anyway and to avoid any unnecessary surprise, a strict mammographic surveillance is recommended during the first years, so as to control the apparition of the said images and to avoid confusions in the future.

  • First mammography 9 -12 months after operation.  
  • Follow up surveillance every six months 2 years after the first mammography. 

Expert opinion

Dr. Jorge Planas

Dr. Jorge Planas
The use of the patient´s own fat as a filling material to restore, add volume or remodel avoids any possible rejection or incompatibility, since it is an autologous material. We can define the autologous fat as the best filling material and the less harmful for the body, with a high rate of satisfaction from our patients.

Dr. Gabriel Planas

Dr. Gabriel Planas
The breast augmentation with a woman´s own fat is not only an aesthetic improvement of the treated area, but also it improves the body contour, since the fat extraction was made from other parts of the body. The results are very natural. It is the ideal choice for patients unwilling to have breast prosthesis.

Dr. Carlos del Cacho

Dr. Carlos del Cacho
This technique of breast augmentation leaves no scars on the breast, one of its main advantages, since the fat is implanted with grafts. It triggers a faster recuperation and the scars are hardly visible, with stable and long lasting results.

Dr. Jaume Masià

Dr. Jaume Masià
This technique offers many important advantages. We should outline the natural-looking results, besides avoiding possible complications related with silicone prosthesis.

Dra. Gemma Pons

Dra.  Gemma Pons
If you are looking for a not very excessive breast augmentation, with a natural appearance, with hardly any residual scar and without the possible complications of breast implants, this is the perfect surgery.

Dr. Ramón Tarragona

Dr.  Ramón Tarragona
The volume and shape of the breast can be improved by implanting the patient's own fat, without the need for a breast implant.

Dr. Pere Taverna

Dr.  Pere Taverna
The use of the patient's own fat as a filling material to restore and give volume or reshape, avoids any possible rejection or incompatibility, as it is an autologous material. It has 2 benefits at the same time, since in addition to the aesthetic improvement of the breasts, it also achieves an aesthetic improvement of that area where the fat extraction has been performed

Dra. Claudia Frigo

Dra.  Claudia Frigo
Breast augmentation surgery with own fat is the ideal choice for those women who want to increase only one size of volume. The results are completely natural, the breasts gain volume, and regain their firmness and consistency, avoiding any scar and possible rejection or incompatibility. This technique has an added value and is that, in addition to the aesthetic improvement of the breast, an improvement is also achieved in the area where the excess fat has been extracted.


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