

Peeling is an outpatient procedure that involves applying chemical substances to the skin in order to renew its layers, boost firmness, even out skin tone and rehydrate.

Facial peels can be used to correct fine, medium or deep lines, to treat active acne (mild to moderate) and scars left behind by acne, photoaging, skin aging, sagging, thin and wrinkled skin, oily skin, blemishes, actinic keratosis, etc.

Depending on which substances are used, different response levels will be produced and defects will be corrected at varying depths. The choice of substances will be determined by factors such as skin type, general medical history, age and skin condition.

Results of treatment are as follows: reducing wrinkles, rejuvenated and well hydrated skin, reducing oil excretions, firming and brightening skin. Blemishes progressively fade until they are no longer visible.

 Superficial Peels

With a superficial peel, the finest of lines and acne scarring is eliminated, as well as managing to mend skin damaged by tobacco, stress and working in closed environments. After the facial peel, a slight reddening of the skin will be caused, although this will disappear after a few hours, so you can get back to your everyday life. The treatment will take place in the consultation room, through various 30-minute sessions, every one or two weeks (depending on how long the skin needs to repair) and no anaesthetic is needed.

Medium Peels

Medium Peels are used for correcting actinic keratosis (large, scaly patches), dyschromia (alteration of the colour of the skin due to excess or lack of melanin) and medium lines, as well as for some acne scarring.

This type of peel takes place in the consultation room and can last for 1 to 4 sessions. The process is painless and no anaesthetic is needed.

After the treatment, the area will remain red for approximately 5 days and little bits of dry skin will flake off. Once this phase has finished, skin will be suppler and smoother, showing a brighter and even colouring.

Deep Peels

Deep peels are used to improve skin badly damaged by photoaging, with deep lines and wrinkles and significant keratosis.

The treatment takes place under sedation and requires 3 days of hospitalisation and a two to three-week follow-up.

Once completed, a bandage is worn for 1 or 2 days, and, when this is removed, re-epithelialization begins.

Skin will remain red for a few weeks.

Results are amazing.

Surgery duration

15 minutes


It is not required




It is not required






Where superficial or medium facial peels are concerned, as much oil as possible must be removed and skin is given a deep clean. These peels are carried out most assiduously. After this, the necessary quantity of suggested compounds is applied and left to work over a specific amount of time. Depending on the type of facial peel, a stinging sensation, slight burning or reddening may be felt which will disappear once the hydrating mask is applied.

Alternatively to the traditional superficial and medium facial peels, there are 2 new peels which are highly in demand:

Rejuvenating Facial Peel PRX-T33 (a new bio-rejuvenation technique, without needles)

The PRX-T33 is an alternative to the superficial facial peel that offers the same brightening and rejuvenating results without the need to ´peel´ (without removing layers of skin).

It is a bio-rejuvenation process, applied locally, and can be carried out at any time of year on all skin types because it is not photosensitising.

It consists of applying a combination of 33% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) with hydrogen peroxide which helps to stimulate fibroblasts (growth cells and factors) without causing inflammation or damage to the skin.

PRX-T33 is a treatment shown to improve the flaccidity of facial tissue and act as a skin bio-rejuvenator notably improving skin appearance. In the same way, it can be used to treat stretch marks, melasma, scars caused by chickenpox and acne.

It is also recommended to contribute and enhance results in laser and radiofrequency treatments.

In addition, it can be used as a base treatment for those patients undergoing fibre, vitamin or Skin regeneration treatment.

Only one session is needed to obtain a flash effect for facial beauty. However, a further RICH treatment can be used to complete the process and give extra vitamins, amino acids, minerals and antioxidants to the skin.

OBAGI Chemical Peel (A new Facial Peel with revolutionary results)

This multifunctional facial peel is a treatment for acne, melasma, photoaging, sun damaged, fine lines and alterations to skin texture. It uses a mixture of exfoliants, 6% of retinol and multi-action agents helping to stimulate collagen production, while restoring natural hydration and smoothing out skin texture.

Suitable for all colour and skin types, it is a medium exfoliating facial peel, carried out in clinic with anti-ageing care that penetrate the epidermis and upper dermis, significantly improving skin´s health.

With easy application and easily endured, the excellent results last much longer than other peels. There is a 15-minute consultation, and treatments can be repeated every month or as frequently as needed.


  • Instant flash effect 
  • It will improve the quality and texture of your skin 
  • Reducing wrinkles 
  • Rejuvenated and well hydrated skin, reducing oil excretions 
  • Brightening 
  • Blemishes progressively fade until they are no longer visible. 
  • It will improve tissue flaccidity 
  • Skin bio-rejuvenating effect 
  • It stimulates collagen production 
  • Natural skin hydration is restored 


As with all other facial peels, as much oil as possible must be removed and the skin is given a deep clean.

It is recommended to stop using creams containing retinoic acid or other irritants for at least 3 days before the facial peel, as well as reducing sun exposure during the days leading up to the treatment.


Post-treatment care will vary depending on the type of facial peel carried out. The skin care specialist will explain the guidelines you should follow.


  • Does it require anaesthetic?

    Superficial and medium facial peels do not require any form of anaesthetic.

  • How many facial peel sessions does it usually take?

    The number of sessions will vary depending on the condition that needs treating, its severity and the individual factors of each patients. They usually take place on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis. Between each session, the necessary time needed for skin repair will be given, this will vary in function with which product is used. 

  • How much time will I need to stay at the centre to carry out the treatment?

    For each session, you will need to be at the clinic for 30 minutes. 

  • Can I sunbathe?

    You shouldn´t sunbathe for 15 days before the treatment nor 15 days after. You must always use sun protection. 

  • Can I go to work the day after my treatment?

    Yes, you can go to work and live a completely normal life as soon as the session is finished. However, your skin will peel lightly between two and six days after the facial peel. The peeling is easily treated with moisturisers. 

    In the cases of deep facial peels only, such as for acne scars, dark brown scabs will appear and will take around seven to ten days to come off. 

  • Do I have to take any precautions before the facial peel?

    Once the facial peel has been carried out, it is necessary to use sun protection and skin care products are fundamental to encourage re-epithelialization and hydration. 

  • Are there any side effects?

    With the light peeling that accompanies the facial peels, it is important to use hydrating moisturisers that contain water. In the case of skin irritation or sensitive skin, you can add special lotions to your daily skincare routine.

  • How long will the effects last for?

    The facial peel effect lasts quite a long time, although it is recommended to carry out follow-up sessions.

  • Can I combine this facial peel with other treatments?

    The facial peel can be carried out simultaneously with the following treatments: IPL, botulinum toxin, fillers, hyaluronic acid injections, and also after a face lift or rhinoplasty surgery. 


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