Exercise applied to health and survival improvement


The most updated knowledge about health and disease indicates that the level of health that we achieve is based on three main factors: genetics inherited from our parents, our lifestyle and the emotional system that we developed. 

Within lifestyle, the most significant factors that influence our health are: the toxic agents we received (food additives, pollution, alcohol, tobacco...), the type of food we eat and our physical activity.


The following environments are studied in order to know the main factors that affect our health:

"Macros": They are basically epidemiological studies of population related to the environment where they are developed (nutrition, exercise, toxic habits,...).

And the "Micros" related to medical research at an atomic, molecular or cellular level understanding that cellular health is equivalent to individual general health.

In this sense, we start understanding that all the macro and micro systems are connected in a way that the environment in which we develop (macro) has an influence on the most intimate structures (micro) we are composed, such as DNA, mitochondria, the immunity and energetic systems, the repairing or regenerative systems, etc.

A clear example of the degree of affectation that the environment has on our organism is the new science called Epigenetics. Epigenetics is defined as the science that studies the factors that are able to activate or inhibit gene expression. Therefore, we currently know that our lifestyle is essential for obtaining a favorable gene expression.

Among the most important well-known “macros” of health and survival, physical condition is the one that stands out above them all. The highest maximum stress that a person can achieve is related to the risk of contracting any kind of disease, including cardiovascular and tumor diseases, both in sick and healthy people. As a general knowledge, it is important to know that a physical condition of 8 MET’s (to be able to run a few minutes at 8 Km/h) is the minimum physical condition that we must achieve to be protected against disease. (From here comes the name of a Medical Centre 8 MET\\'s that we run).

On the other hand, at the "micro" level, it is being discovered that mitochondria (cell components that come from bacteria gobbled down by an ancestral cell and now form part of all the animal cells) are involved in the majority of cellular processes and therefore are responsible for cellular health. When mitochondrial function deteriorates it opens the way to potential disorders, including cardiovascular diseases, cancer and neurodegenerative ailments. Among other functions, mitochondria have a main function, which is to produce energy for the cellular functions.

The number of mitochondria per cell varies from 100 to 1.000 depending on the type of tissue studied. Thus, an active tissue as the muscular one, (included the heart tissue) or the brain tissue, will contain a higher number of mitochondria than a fatty tissue metabolically less active.


How can you test the mitochondrial function?

The whole cellular mitochondria cells determine an energetic capacity or physical condition that we obtain from METABOLIC EFFORT TESTS that specify the mitochondrial global work and therefore, the grade of health of each person. Thus, from the new called "mitochondrial health" we know the mitochondrial health of each person and his/her degree of vulnerability with respect to the risk of triggering diseases.

As the “macro” studies that connect health and physical capacity do not make clear how to perform the training programs to improve health (there is no consensus at a scientific level yet), the "micros" studies show us that an important stimulus of mitochondria production increases their genesis or number, improves the “mitochondrial quality”, optimizes repair or apoptosis of damaged cells (apoptosis means programmed cell death, a treatment system that helps the defective cells of the body not to thrive, like the tumor ones); and in the end, improves our body’s health and defenses.

From here on, we have developed a type of training called "TRAINING AT MITOCHONDRIAL SATURATION" where the mitochondrial function is optimized and the production of energy improves, so that health and survival improve, not only in healthy and aged people but also in people with a chronic disease.

Through metabolic effort tests we are able to prepare the optimal training program for each person in order to improve mitochondrial quality and reduce the risk of disease.


1. A series of tests for diagnosis are carried out to determine each individual’s health. They consist of:

a. Metabolic effort test (to know our mitochondrial function)

b. Study of the body composition (bioempedance)

c. Metabolic test at rest

This study will detect possible diseases or organ disorders and will indicate the level of protection we have depending on the existing mitochondrial function.

2. Program of Personalized Treatment:

a. Physical exercise program

b. Training at mitochondrial saturation based on threshold-stimulation


A local treatment of immediate shock is performed for people with ailments. It consists of the infiltration of anti-inflammatory products, local anesthesia and growth factors with a very thin needle in the affected area.

PROGRAM OF GENES IMPROVING AIMED AT YOUNG COUPLES THAT WISH TO HAVE CHILDREN. Epigenetic inheritance may affect our children’s genes and even our grandchildren.

Epigenetics holds that lifestyle and environmental influences such as smoking, stress or diet may cause genetic changes in our descendants and play an important role in their development. It is interesting to know that it is possible to obtain a favorable gene expression if we develop a particular lifestyle or introduce specific changes in our eating habits.

This program lasts for about 3-5 months and it is intended to those couples that want to improve their gene expression (the genes that will inherit their descendants) before pregnancy.

Expert opinion

Dr. Jordi Ibáñez

Dr. Jordi Ibáñez
Physical activity has become the most important health factor. A good level of fitness protects against a multitude of diseases and delays aging effects.


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