Facial Lipostructure


Facial Recontouring

When we age, the fat that lies under the skin in the subcutaneous tissue gradually disappears, especially on our face and hands.

The tell-tale signs of ageing on the face of an older person, such as sunken or cadaverous eyes, as well as a loss of volume and definition in the cheeks and jaw line, result in the skin appearing sunken due to the loss of fat and therefore volume.

We use this technique of filling or plumping using fat to reverse these effects of ageing and others brought about by a lack of volume in the body, for example, sagging of the cheeks, chin and buttocks.

We are experts in lipostructure, the technique that allows us to create volume in different areas of the body by using the patient’s own fat as a filler.

Clínica Planas has been using the technique of implanting the patient’s own fat since 1998 with excellent results for our patients for both aesthetic and restorative purposes.

By using the patient’s own fat as a filler to restore and add volume or recontour the silhouette, we avoid the use of synthetic or semi-synthetic materials, which could cause complications in terms of extrusion and/or reactions to foreign bodies, subsequently leading to rejection of the external material.

Autologous fat has proved to be the best filler and the one that is the least harmful for the body, as it is the patient’s own fatty tissue. We always ensure the correct conditions necessary for extracting and subsequently manipulating the autologous fat and our methods have been developed to guarantee the viability of the inserted tissue. Lipostructure or fat filling is a technique that provides long-lasting and reliable results, ensuring that the fat is not reabsorbed in the long-term.

We also have a clinic in Madrid. More information can be found under "Coleman Lipostructure".

Surgery duration

1 hour


It is not required


3 days




1 week




The fatty tissue is extracted and subsequently implanted under sedation and local anaesthetic administered to the donor site and/or general anaesthetic, depending on the patient and the amount of fat required in each case.

Usually, the donor sites are the abdomen, the inner thighs and knees, the top of the legs (the fat on the outer thigh) and the double chin.

We start by cleaning the treatment site and then proceeding to extract the fatty tissue very carefully by sucking this out using a small tube with a blunt tip connected to a specific type of syringe (Luer-Lock) under negative pressure, which allows the fatty tissue to be sucked out without damaging the fat cells.

Next, we centrifuge the fatty tissue to separate it into three layers: the oil (fatty acids), the pure fat (which is what we will implant) together with the anaesthetic fluids, and the blood located in the lower section. We will then proceed to separate the pure fat from the other layers. All of this enables us to obtain 3 cc to 7 cc of pure fat for each 10 cc of tissue we extract with all features intact to ensure its survival. In order to prevent the fat from reabsorbing and to ensure that the results are long-lasting, the implantation or insertion of the fatty tissue is carried out at the intramuscular and subcutaneous levels through tiny incisions around the area to be treated. We use a micro tube to deposit the small implants, creating filaments of fat with a diameter of approximately 1mm in such a way that there is a minimum distance of 2mm between them to guarantee their subsequent survival.

After completing the implant stage, we then proceed to immobilise the implant for 7 to 10 days using a bandage and adhesive tape or using press therapy strips.

In most cases, only one course of treatment is required; however, certain patients require more than one to achieve the desired effect in cases where especially large volumes of fatty tissue are needed to correct the defect.


This procedure allows us to add volume to different areas of the body using the patient's own fat.

There is no risk of the implant being rejected.

Recovery is fast.

The results are very satisfying for both aesthetic and restorative purposes.

The results are long-lasting and reliable, ensuring that the fat is not reabsorbed in the long-term.

Facial lipostructure regenerates the face and improves areas, such as the contours of the eyes, with a very natural effect, lifting the eyebrows to restore them to their ideal position, correcting sunken eyes and bags under the eyes, recontouring the middle third of the face and cheeks and regaining the face’s correct structure and firmness.

In the lower third of the face, i.e. the jaw and chin, we can restore the jaw line and, if necessary, project the chin a little more.

Furthermore, we can restore harmony to the face by balancing the proportions of its different thirds, thereby creating faces that are more attractive, symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing.


As is the case with all surgeries, a pre-operative medical examination is required for identifying any anatomy that could possibly contraindicate the operation.


Cold compresses are to be applied to the treated area for the first two days.

There will be very mild lymphatic drainage for the first month.

Do not perform any physical exercise for the first month.

Skin hydration treatment is recommended.

Avoid sun exposure for the first month.


  • What medications should be avoided before and after the procedure?

    Anticoagulants, such as aspirin, and preparations containing vitamin E, as well as any natural or alternative medicines. The specialist will inform you of this in advance.

  • What risks are associated with this procedure?

    In general, the risks are the same as for any surgical procedure. Essentially, these are haemorrhages, infection and complications relating to the use of the anaesthetic. 

  • Are any special exercises required to aid recovery?

    It is not necessary to carry out any special exercises for recovery after the operation. 

  • How many days do I have to wait before travelling?

    This needs to be assessed by the surgeon by observing your recovery after the operation.


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